id: 2113 title: ‘Jack Jedwab and the Celestial Association of Canadian Nonsense’ date: ‘2010-01-29T11:38:45+00:00’ author: angryfrenchguy layout: post guid: ‘’ permalink: /2010/01/29/jack-jedwab-and-the-celestial-association-of-canadian-nonsense/ categories cooked up by Jack Jedwab and his scholarly association.

Now any point of view is as valid as any other. The problem is that the Association for Canadian Studies gets several hundreds of thousands of tax dollars a year to evaluate Canadian attitudes on complex issues from the very narrow perspective of an English-speaking Montrealer in 1947 and then publishes it’s results as if they were the objective evolution of Canadian thought.

That and they never include Mermaids in their polls. Nonsense, I tell you.